If you are looking for a new Entrance door, to replace an aging Patio door, for a new look Garden door or a Storm door with a Hidden screen
We can acomodate your needs with our proven Quality Products coupled with our unbeatable 10 Years Professional Installation Guarantee
Available in Steel & Fiberglass with hundred’s of glass options for every taste
- More energy efficient and secure than wood
- Paintable to any color, will custom match
- Won’t warp, rust or split. Maintenance free
- Optional laminated or vinyl wrapped jambs
- Custom glass, transoms and sidelites available

5 times more energy efficient than wood
Stainable or paintable to popular colors
Won’t dent, warp, rust or split
Optional stained frames to match
Custom glass, transoms and sidelites

Many styles to choose from
- Many grids, patterns and styles
- Paintable to any color, will custom match
- Won’t warp, rust or split. Maintenance free
- Optional laminated or vinyl wrapped jambs
- Custom glass, transoms and sidelites available

Grids, Internal blinds & more

uPVC Vinyl and COMPOSITE frame components are fused together for optimum strength.
Self lubricating zinc coated tandem panel rollers provide smooth gliding action.
Contoured bumper brackets secure fixed panel and are the active panel stops.
All exposed aluminum is anodized to prevent corrosion.
Plain stiles and interlocks are steel reinforced. Lock stiles are aluminum reinforced.
Sash panels are co-extruded with dual durometer flex P.V.C. surrounding the entire 7/8″ sealed glass unit for optimum seal and added strength.
Specially designed drainage system to prevent water from being trapped under I.G. unit.
Exclusive nylon screen roller system with an independent suspension at all four corners is designed with a side adjustment screw for easy leveling.
Each individual wheel is precision-machined using a highly tensile strength plastic material called Delrin®.
Heavy duty extruded aluminum screen frame with nylon mesh, is designed for easy removal.
High Performance Sill Dam Adaptor (tested to AAMA SGD-40 Classification)

- Kick Locks (STANDARD with our doors)
- Low “E” Argon and Tinted glass
Grids in Aluminum, Pencil Brass, Pencil Pewter and V-Groove
Security aluminum bar
Internal blinds (tilt and raise)
White, Ivory, Sandalwood, Brown and custom colors

Many styles available (some with Hidden Screen)

Our storm doors are manufactured to withstand the constant daily use for years to come, while adding extra security when greeting strangers to your home. The same rugged construction keeps the rain and snow off your entrance but allowing light in.
Our storm doors are designed to conserve heat in the winter, ventilate during the summer, beautify and protect Canadian homes year round.
Wide selections of standard baked-on-enamel finishes are available to compliment your homes colour scheme.
Reinforced die cast corners
Four heavy duty hinges with oil-lite bearings
3 mm tempered glass
Black durable aluminum screen
Superior weatherstripping system
Color matched heavy duty hardware for smooth operation
Backer angle for a complete finish
Conforms to CGSB standards

The HIDDEN VENT retractable screen is designed to give you a clear view when closed and allow for ventilation when opened.
The HIDDEN VENT keeps your screens clean and makes cleaning the glass a breeze. The screen is located in an enclosed cartridge on the top off the glass area. The screen is connected to the operating sash and when the glass is lowered, the screen follows. When the glass is raised to the closed position the screen retracts out of sight back into the cartridge. The HIDDEN VENT is available in the Tri Lite, Self Storing and High View model.